Thanks for your reply. I am getting connection timed out when trying to connect to Open VPN via port 1194. Since I noticed that, I tried Port Forwarding to my computer with port 22 for SSH just to see if it would work. I get connection timed out for this as well. After doing more testing, I tried Port Forwarding to my computer with port 80 and get connection refused, which was encouraging. When I delete port forwarding to 80, I get connection timed out for 80, which I would expect. It seems like enabling port forwarding for existing services gets me connection refused, but if I try a port not on the list, I just get connection timed out. It doesn't seem like the ports are opening for Open VPN or for Port Forwarding as one would expect. I may try an earlier firmware version to see if I can get port 1194 for Open VPN to work.