Parental control request: abiity to whitelist allowed sites/services
Parental control request: abiity to whitelist allowed sites/services
Model :
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
I'd like the ability to specify sites that are *allowed* rather than just blacklisting *denied* sites. So if a child had a music playback device for Pandora, rather that allowing Media and blacklisting Youtube, Spotify, and dozens of other sites (and frequently looking at Insights to find anything I missed), I could just create a profile that only allows Pandora.
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
I'd like the ability to specify sites that are *allowed* rather than just blacklisting *denied* sites. So if a child had a music playback device for Pandora, rather that allowing Media and blacklisting Youtube, Spotify, and dozens of other sites (and frequently looking at Insights to find anything I missed), I could just create a profile that only allows Pandora.