Deco in AP mode doesn’t connect to ethernet
I have 3 x60 decos and a router. The main deco is connected to the router via Ethernet cable and is configured as an Access Point. It works great.
The problem is with the 2 satellites:
- Sat 1 is not very far from the main deco and works great when set in router mode. But when I switch to access point, it disconnects frequently.
- Sat 2 is far from main deco and sat1 deco. But it has an Ethernet cable connected directly from the router LAN. I've configured Sat 2 as an Access point as well, but it doesn't show the Ethernet connection and tries to connect to main/Sat 1 decos with very weak signal. I've checked the speed on the Ethernet cable and it is good, no problem with the cable.
I've tried re booting all decks and router multiple times. And I have the latest firmware installed. Nothing seems to work.
Can someone please help? Thanks!🙏🏽