Add VPN Server Capabilities to existing Deco X90 Home Network
Hi all,
I have two X90's set up and I was wondering what your thoughts and ideas would be on how I could set up a VPN server in the topology, given the X90's dont have any VPN server option to configure.
I don't mind purchasing another router, but I don't really want to put another one as my core router and the X90's as access points because to my knowledge (correct me if I'm wrong) I would lose the features of the X90's like parental control, etc.
Is there anyway possible I could add another router in a certain configuration of the network that would allow VPN server into the home network? Would the VPN Server router have to be the DHCP router for the whole network or is there a way I can leave the X90's configured as is and add something to the mix to get Home VPN Server capabilities?
Thanks folks for any reponses/expertise you may be able to provide,