The A20 has a built-in Speed test on the GUI of the router.

Click on that and speed test will open below.
I assume you used a wired PC to the modem to do the test?
Well, it is also possible that the modem 'remembers' the MAC Address of the PC, and if so, it will not really work well with the router. Maybe 3 weeks ago you did this test as well.
If the speed it low, first make sure the cable from the modem to the router is good (or even completely in the WAN port and the modem), replacing it with a known good one like the one you used to test the speed from modem to PC.
If it is still low, power off the modem AND the router. Then power up the modem, wait until it is FULLY up and then power up the router and run the test on the router again.
Still low, probably time to contact support.