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Forums/ Controllers
By chrisfromthelc 2022-01-15 18:56:20

Inaccurate speed tests

i recently upgraded to gigabit services through my cable interne provider. I've verified the modem itself speed tests to the highest possible speed (around 950Mbps), and plugging directly into the rou
Forums/ Controllers
By jmole 2022-01-02 22:46:32

TL-R605 / ER605 WAN Link Aggregation Group (LAGG)

Hi - Does the TL-R605 router support using two ports in a link aggregation group for connection to a device like the Motorola MB8600? This is often called LAGG or LACP - Link aggregation group or link
Forums/ Controllers
By S-K 2022-01-03 16:05:10

Speed Test: wrong latency in "ISP load" panel

When I check latency in the graphics of the ISP load panel of the Omada Controller it is permanently between 120 to 250 msec. Doing a manual speed test (upper right corner "speed test" in this panel)
Forums/ Controllers
By Mr_Picard 2021-11-22 14:33:26

OC200 does not support OMADA 5.x

I had Omada 5.x installed on a PC to setup an initial config on a network deployment. I ordered the OC200 eager to offload the service into a hardware device. The OC200 arrived this morning only for m
Forums/ Controllers
By Fleegle61 2021-11-16 23:26:06

Cannot access port 161 on ER605, EAP225 or OC-200

So I have been using LibreNMS for quite a while. At one point I was able to get SNMP data on port 161 from the devices. I suspect that since 4.4.6 update, the only device that even has port 161 open i
Forums/ Controllers
By Christian2705 2021-10-25 14:42:54

Omada Hardware Controller crashed on update 4.4.6

Hi, the omada software crashed on the update to 4.4.6. I had the same problem on update to 4.4.4. The Controller Webinterface doesent work and the controller is not pingable.