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Forums/ Controllers
By ITV 2021-05-29 08:49:57

Difference in router model

Everyone, There seem to be 2 router versions of the model known as TL-ER7206 (i.e. v1.0 and v1.6). What is the difference between the two? We have bought a few of doze during the past couple of weeks.
Forums/ Controllers
By ITV 2021-05-29 08:43:08

Rolling update scheduling

Team, What exactly does "rolling update" do? Can it be used to schedule updates? And if not - is there another way of scheduling updates? Kind regards - Will
Forums/ Controllers
By ITV 2021-05-05 18:28:05

Topology not as expected

Team, See attached screenshot: I have a setup with one router and 3 AP's. The 3 AP's are connected to the router - nothing in between. However, the topology is not working as expected. Any idea what i
Forums/ Controllers
By ITV 2021-04-20 06:50:08

What is ETA for DST?

Team, Is there any news on the ETA for DST-support? In addition: how about ntp-support? Or did I miss something? Kind regards - Will
Forums/ Controllers
By ITV 2021-04-19 20:25:02


Hi Everybody, See also attached screenshots: this amount of failures is from 3 days and 3 AP's. I don't know where this is coming from and what to do about it. Any suggestions? Thank you - Will =====
Forums/ Controllers
By ITV 2021-04-19 20:14:46

Hostname resolution

I'm are running a network with a combination of static and dynamic IP-addresses. Managing whis was done via dnsmasq as part of the Asus Merlin router. Is there a way of doing something simular withing