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Forums/ WiFi
By Doods 2021-07-13 10:43:39

same SSID and portal, different WLAN groups, authenticated device not recognized by another

I've set up my shop such that different areas have different APs and WLAN groups. For example: Area A, EAP A, wlan group A: wifi_shop (default portal/voucher), wifi_otherA Area B, EAP B, wlan group B:
Forums/ WiFi
By Doods 2020-12-02 09:15:58

single site, 2 ISPs: how can I set one as backup?

Hello, I am setting up a LAN via mesh between a house and another using 2 EAP225-Outdoors. The houses are about 70m apart, and each has their own ISP. If I understand correctly, I would need a multi-W