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Forums/ Deco
2020-06-28 07:01:42
Re:Deco not connected to Ethernet
Now I lost all Ethernet connections from the other Decos!
Forums/ Deco
2020-06-27 09:13:16
Deco not connected to Ethernet
1 of my Decos P7 are connected to Ethernet but inn the app it shows a PLC connection. The other ones which are connected to Ethernet are showing the Ethernet connection. I rebooted the deco which is...
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-28 07:49:32
Re:Disappointed by P9 diagnostic tools
Hope the Deco P7 Firmware will be also updated! The current firmware is very poor as it lacks a lot of features. Performance is also poor.
Forums/ Deco
2020-04-18 09:28:57
Re:Deco P7 firmware updates
@Kevin_Z any news about a new firmware?
Forums/ Deco
2020-04-08 05:58:22
Deco P7 new firmware???
When is a new firmware available? the features and performance of the current version is really poor comparing to the competition!
Forums/ Deco
2020-02-27 08:31:23
Is the deco P7 impacted by the Kr00k issue? If yes when is the firmware update planned?