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Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2020-07-07 07:34:18
Re:Re:How to automatically turn off Deco M9 plus wireless with a schedule
@Kevin_Z 'be more patient' ?? Is waiting for a over a year to fix issues and still not fixing them not patient enough? We, as users, 'are hoping TPLink be much faster in fixing issues!' Good day.
Forums/ Deco
2020-07-04 21:12:16
Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
@SKAL I don't think we should take that guy that calls himself 'kevin' too seriously. For starters, how many Chinese have you ever come across called Kevin? That is the very first lie you're...
Forums/ Deco
2020-06-11 08:25:55
Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
@phillip_mcmahon > It is perhaps one of the dumbest ideas I have ever seen. I've said it before and the more time passes the more I think I am right. I think that tplinks 'engineers' is really just...
Forums/ Deco
2020-06-11 05:56:23
Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
@phillip_mcmahon Maybe we should, instead of adding to this thread, simply start flooding the forum with a new thread everytime?
Forums/ Deco
2020-06-07 09:04:21
@phillip_mcmahon No worries, they 'Improved system security and reliability' so all's well.
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-27 14:26:33
Re:Cannot connect Victure cameras to new Deco mesh wifi
@SeoulGal You prolly dont want to hear this, but here goes anyway. I have one device (thermostat controlling device) that doesnt want to connect to the Deco's. Tried everything but to no avail. I did...