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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Re:Phone connection to Archer AXE75
@woozle Thanks, I'll try to do something along those lines. Running out of time today.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Re:Phone connection to Archer AXE75
@Basboi85 Thanks for your response. I hope that isn't the case otherwise I've just wasted £120 on a router and I've still got 13 months left on the Digital Voice package with BT. Dilemma now: do I...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Phone connection to Archer AXE75
I have just purchased an Archer AXE75 router to add to my TP-Link collection and set it up. The issue I have is there seems to be no means of connecting my Panasonic KX-TGJ322 cordless DECT phone to...