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Forums/ Deco
2024-07-24 22:00:49
Re:Deco X50/X55_V1_1.5.1 Support WireGuard VPN, Client Speed Limit and Fixed WAN Port
@Whitesnake thanks, but... I'm kind of reluctant to update it manually. Shouldn't the update be available through the Deco app? Right now it says I'm on the latest software already (which is 1.4.1)...
Forums/ Deco
2024-07-23 15:14:08
Re:Deco X50/X55_V1_1.5.1 Support WireGuard VPN, Client Speed Limit and Fixed WAN Port
Hello, @David-TP ! I have two TP-Link Deco X55 systems deployed at two locations. Both of them are V1 hardware revision, EU variant. Yet, the latest firmware is v1.4.1 (build 20231122 rel. 40485)....