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Forums/ Deco
2024-08-19 07:44:06
Re:Deco M5 firmware update
@ImtiazAli I'm already updated this version manually & my previous problem's solved. It's more stable then 17.4 US. Even it's not only for EU Firmware. It's for all regional firmware.17.6 version...
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2024-08-19 07:38:25
RE:Iot network add in Deco x10
@Gqzi Yes it's Much important option now days. Please @TP-Link add this option with device isolation.
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-19 07:35:56
Re:Deco M5 1.7.4/1.7.5
@glanklad.vanx I'm using Deco M5 3.2(US) version & I updated this version manually. It's more stable then 17.4 Us version. I'm using Deco M5 main unit & 2nd mesh unit Deco x10.At Previous 17.4 my 2nd...
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-10 22:03:06
Deco x10 disconnect from Main unit
Currently I'm using Deco x10 as 2nd mesh unit or satellite unit. Main unit is Deco M5 & most of the time satellite unit deco x10 disconnect from Main unit or only connected by 5ghz & only 5ghz...
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-10 21:49:19
Deco M5 firmware update
Currently I'm using Deco M5 as main unit & 2nd mesh unit Deco x10. My firmware version US 1.7.4. But EU firmware update 1.7.8 . So when Deco M5 US 3.20 get update or can I update EU firmware at US...
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2024-06-14 08:11:52
Add WPA3 at Deco M5
I'm using Deco M5 3.2 (US) . Please add WPA3 at next firmware update. 2.4ghz signal unstable from last update 1.7.4(US). At 1.7.8 still facing same 2.4ghz signal unstable issue. Thanks in advance πŸ™‚...