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Forums/ Deco
2021-10-26 06:50:32
Re:Perfect Mesh for a big house with reinforced concrete walls
@BendalfTheGrey I finally received a message from the only store where I live. They only have this in stock : AX6000 / X90 > 2 devices AX3000 / X60 > 2 devices AX1800 / X20 > 2 devices AC1300 / M5 >...
Forums/ Deco
2021-10-25 04:43:56
Re:Perfect Mesh for a big house with reinforced concrete walls
@Alexandre. Thanks. I'll keep you updated as soon as I start the setup. Have a great day.
Forums/ Deco
2021-10-24 13:24:16
Re:Perfect Mesh for a big house with reinforced concrete walls
@Alexandre. That is amazing! Thanks, A LOT!!!! X90 and M9 Plus seem both great. I only have two more questions: Does the added value of the X90/Wifi 6 justify the price difference? (6xM9Plus = 600€ /...
Forums/ Deco
2021-10-22 14:50:23
Re:Perfect Mesh for a big house with reinforced concrete walls
@Alexandre. Thanks again!!!! You rock! About the location, so far, I didn't thought about it. To be honest, if the solution is to install 9 devices, I'll put 9. I really need to get the best possible...
Forums/ Deco
2021-10-22 06:14:15
Re:Perfect Mesh for a big house with reinforced concrete walls
@Alexandre. Thanks a lot! That is super helpful. Here is a quick plan of the house. First floor on the left (2000sqf), second floor on the right (1500sqf). The 2 black walls are reinforced. Is it...
Forums/ Deco
2021-10-20 04:15:04
Perfect Mesh for a big house with reinforced concrete walls
Hey TP-Linkers! I need to install a brand new mesh network in a 2-story house (3500sqf). The only problem is that I have 2 big gigantic reinforced concrete walls right in the middle of the house. The...