Tapo Smart Camera
2021-11-01 10:19:40
borav wrote @SMARTER I could not find this settings in my app (iPhone) for the Model C110. Which App are you using? @borav - I am using the Android app TP-Link Tapo. On the Android version you open...
Tapo Smart Camera
2021-10-12 16:32:09
I find it can be a awkward when using the Android app to cue up precisely to the start of any particular trigger event in the timeline... It is often necessary to zoom in on the timeline first so you...
Tapo Smart Camera
2021-10-11 10:29:00
Solla-topee wrote Hello@SMARTER , A very big difference beweenTC60 ( =Tapo C200) and Tapo C110 is that TC60 is a Pan/Tilt camera but Tapo C110 does not have Pan/ Tilt feature. @Solla-topee - hi and...
Tapo Smart Camera
2021-10-09 17:23:46
(These comments are actually about the TC60 but I could not find that model in the list, they may well apply to any tapo model?) I have been using my TC60 to monitor outside through a glass window...
Tapo Smart Camera
2021-10-08 14:07:20
LasseBob wrote @SMARTER I was also surprised it booted up on 5 volt, was running fine for at least 1 hour then I unplugged it. Maybe everything runs on 5 and 3.3 inside and the voltage regulator is...
Tapo Smart Camera
2021-10-08 12:21:38
LasseBob wrote @SMARTER Thanks Smarter! I now that the spec. says 9 volt. I was keen to hear if someone have check the "inside" to see if the actual range is something like 5-12? I have tried to run...