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Forums/ WiFi
2021-07-13 12:02:40
Re:same SSID and portal, different WLAN groups, authenticated device not recognized by another
@Bananafish what's the point of roaming if both are to be seen as different networks? They are not. They are using the same portal and voucher management. The same device is seen by the controller as...
Forums/ WiFi
2021-07-13 10:43:39
same SSID and portal, different WLAN groups, authenticated device not recognized by another
I've set up my shop such that different areas have different APs and WLAN groups. For example: Area A, EAP A, wlan group A: wifi_shop (default portal/voucher), wifi_otherA Area B, EAP B, wlan group...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-12-03 07:59:10
Re:single site, 2 ISPs: how can I set one as backup?
Great! This looks simple and doable enough. My follow up question is, if this is scalable? Say, I have a 3rd house with its own ISP and EAP225-Outdoor joining the mesh. How can I make WAN3 when...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-12-02 09:15:58
single site, 2 ISPs: how can I set one as backup?
Hello, I am setting up a LAN via mesh between a house and another using 2 EAP225-Outdoors. The houses are about 70m apart, and each has their own ISP. If I understand correctly, I would need a...