Detection zones with Preset Views and Motion Tracking
With cameras like I have that have the ability to pan and tilt it doesn't make sense to me for the detection zone stay active when the camera moves.
With motion tracking and a detection zone set when the camera moves it can move so that the detection zone does not cover the person the camera started to track and so the tracking stops.
I think it would work much better if with the preset views there was the ability to store a detection zone for each preset view and then when the camera is motion tracking use the whole view for tracking. If this is too complicated then have the option to allow the detection zone to just be active with one preset view/camera position.
If you could have a detection zone for each preset view it would also make the patrol and moving between preset views a much better feature.
Anyone else thinking along the same lines.
PS - this is the only downside I have found with the camera - its otherwise great. I love smart actions ability to link the camera detecting people it to turning lights on, and then have this turn on and off when I leave and arrive back at home.