HS200: Keeps resetting to green/orange setup
Currently have 18 Kasa smart switches in use in my house (HS200/210/220). Recently installed an HS200 for my bathroom fan, replacing a standard 110V toggle switch. I also have two HS220 dimmers in this same electrical box for bathroom lights.
The HS200 switch will occasionally reset itself and show the blinking green/orange wifi light (total of 4 times over 1 month so far). The most recent occured after I manually turned the switch on. A few minutes later it was in setup mode again (blinking green/orange). I believe the three prior disconnects/resets all occured while the switch was off.. Each time I have had to remove the missing switch in the Kasa app, and then I add this switch back in with no issues. This most recent disconnect/reset occured after two weeks of proper use.
Connection strength is shown as -38 dBm for the HS200 with the issue. The other two HS220's in the same box show -59 dBM and -63 dBM. Note router is literally 10 feet away.
Thoughts? Out of 18 switches, this is the only one that has given me any issues. I've been using the switches for 6 months.