How can I view my Tapo camera on PC/NAS/NVR through RTSP/ONVIF Protocol?

Released On: 2021-06-22 08:06:43Last update time: a week ago

Most of the Tapo cameras support the RTSP and ONVIF protocols, allowing them to work with third-party NVR or NAS devices that also support these protocols. If a user wants to view the live stream of the Tapo camera with a third-party app like VLC Player, here are the detailed instructions.
How to view Tapo camera on PC/NAS/NVR through RTSP/ONVIF Protocol?


Note: currently, the Tapo battery-powered cameras do not support the RTSP & ONVIF stream.


  1. I spy is NOT a solution, it will only give you live view on your pc nothing else - no ptz control, memory playback or remote settings etc
  2. AFAIK this may be the same with bluestacks android emulater - btw installing BS is not striaghtforward, you need to check if your cpu allow virtualisation and also it is enable in bios - see BS site. Not a proper Onvif system.
  3. My work around on this is to buy cheap used Tablets 8" and 10" (I use Lenovo) but make sure they are Android 5 and above - mine are A7 Nougat ca £20 on EB.  Even ones with cracked screens can be ok - much cheaper. V low energy use as well  So I can have say 4 separate full views 1080p. AFAIK streaming at 15fps needs a net bandwidth of 3Mbps . Cheapo type N router has 300Mbps available - so no sweat. I dont think Tapo streams any higher (so called 3MB which is for local vid recording which you can only view one at a time anyway)

Why Tapo C225 camera doesn't have a RTSP local streaming capabily? I will return it to the dealer if there is no plan to update the firmwre and support for RTSP straming like all the other Tapo cameras... I'm very dissapointed



Why did you guys not make an application for windows? I need a windows based app. AND just a quick veiw of all your responses shows I am far from the only one.

Vlc Player works fine for me on Windows host for viewing my Tapo camera's when I'm at home. It just needs the "Camera" account setup within the Tapo app prior to trying to access the URL via Vlc player.
