Tapo Doorbell D230S1 - Activate camera only when doorbell is pressed?

Tapo Doorbell D230S1 - Activate camera only when doorbell is pressed?

Tapo Doorbell D230S1 - Activate camera only when doorbell is pressed?
Tapo Doorbell D230S1 - Activate camera only when doorbell is pressed?
Model: Tapo D230S1  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version: 1.1.19
I recently got a Tapo Doorbell D230S1 and am planning on using it as a doorbell/peephole camera for my apartment.
It's been set up and I'm fiddling with the settings and configurations but I've run into an issue.
In my country there are privacy laws regarding these kinds of cameras pointed toward areas where other people might walk, such as the hallway outside my apartment.
When I got the doorbell it looked like it would be able to work in accordance with these requirements but I've gotten stuck on one.
There are three main points:
1. The camera may not record anything. Which is fine, I've turned off recording no problem.
2. You can't point it toward any other apartment, basically limiting what you can see with it to what you're intending to see with it. That's fine, I can point it away and use the privacy zones for that.
3. The camera should only activate when someone rings the doorbell, and it should only remain active for a brief period of time, about 30 seconds.
This third point is the main issue I'm dealing with.
Is there a way to do this, to keep the camera deactivated by default and to activate it briefly when someone rings the doorbell?
There is the privacy mode but that seems to turn off everything and only the audio of the doorbell rings when you press it.
Worst case, I can just keep it on privacy mode and then manually turn it off when someone rings the doorbell but the issue there is that I don't seem to get any notifications with privacy mode active either.
4 Reply
Re:Tapo Doorbell D230S1 - Activate camera only when doorbell is pressed?



Tapo D230 doorbell has two types of wake-up settings: 1. when doorbell is pressed, 2. when event is detected. 


You can choose the first type so that the doorbell will only wake up and start recording when someone presses the doorbell. 

>> Doorbell Device Settings > Detection > Wake-up Settings.


To adjust the video length of each recorded clips, go to Doorbell Device Settings > Storage & Recording > Clip Settings > Maximum Clip Length.

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Re:Tapo Doorbell D230S1 - Activate camera only when doorbell is pressed?



That sounds good, I've found the wake-up settings and tried that now, but it doesn't feel like it works as I hoped.


You mention "recorded clips" but as I said in point number 1, I'm not allowed to actually record anything, even when the doorbell is pressed.

What matters is only the activation of the camera itself, not the recording as that must always be turned off.

It seems like the camera automatically activates every single time I open the app and check on the doorbell, which means that the camera is active even though no one has pressed the doorbell.

Maybe i'm describing it poorly but basically, when I open the app, I shouldn't be able to see through the camera as it should be deactivated by default, just as if privacy mode was turned on. Only when someone rings the doorbell should the camera activate, not to record but for real time viewing.

Re:Tapo Doorbell D230S1 - Activate camera only when doorbell is pressed?



You can turn off the recording if you don't want to use it. 


As for the other aspect, the doorbell does wake up when you watch it in the app. 


There is a way to keep the doorbell in privacy mode until someone presses the doorbell. However, this method will affect other doorbell features, for example, there will be no more doorbell press notifications (push notification or ring call) sent to your phone.

1. Turn on Ring Connected Hub for the doorbell: ring the Tapo hub when someone presses the doorbell

2. Turn on privacy mode on the doorbell.

3. Create an automation: turn off doorbell privacy mode when the Tapo hub rings.


Through this setup, the doorbell will not exit the privacy when someone presses the doorbell -- when the hub rings.


How to create Smart Action (Automation or Shortcut) on Tapo app

Landscape Mode - Tapo App for PadShare Your Pet Story. Win Free Tapo Care!Smart Action 2.0 Explore and meet the next level home automation.
Re:Tapo Doorbell D230S1 - Activate camera only when doorbell is pressed?



Yeah, I figured as much.

I'll add it as a feature request.

A public mode in addition to the current privacy mode, for when the camera isn't pointed somewhere private but rather somewhere public, and you want to make use of the camera but with certain restrictions.

Thanks for your help!
