Troubleshooting Why Tapo hub constantly ring or play a different ringtone when Tapo doorbell is pressed?
This Article Applies To
Tapo smart doorbell owner using a smart hub (like H100/H200) as the doorbell chime
When you try to adjust the settings for the Tapo smart hub serving as the Tapo doorbell chime, such as the ringtone, ring duration, or volume level, you may find the changes don't work, the smart hub continues using the original ring settings when Tapo doorbell is pressed.
It is important to note that the settings on the smart hub's device page do NOT apply to the doorbell chime.
To change the hub settings when it works as a Tapo doorbell chime, follow the path below:
1. Open Tapo app, go to doorbell liveview page
2. Enter doorbell Device Settings page
3. Click Doorbell, then choose Paired Chimes
4. Select a hub.
5. Toggle 'Ring Connected Hub' to decide whether you want this hub to ring when the doorbell is pressed.
When 'Ring Connected Hub' is enabled, click 'Ringtones & Volume' and 'Duration' to customize your settings.
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