Problem migrating device across hubs due to different time zones
Hello, I tried to test the new feature allowing migration of devices from one hub to another and have come up with a problem where it blocks me saying the “Country/region is different from the original Hub”.
I tried to move from my H200 hub to a H100 hub.
The H200 is currently set to UTC+10:00 Australia/Canberra. The other potential options are UTC+10:00 Australia/Brisbane and UTC+10:00 Australia/Hobart. Note that I am in Melbourne which is UTC+10:00 but that option is not available in the H200.
The H100 hub has a timezone of “Australia/Melbourne”.
When I select the H200 and try to migrate a device to H100 I get the above error and it does not allow me to select any of my H100 devices. Note that I have tried changing the H200 timezone to the other Australian timezones listed above but this has not helped.
Any suggestions? Thanks.