How to switch from Smart Schedule to OFF and back
I'm testing out the KE100/Hub kit. I was hoping to get a load of these for my house.
However, having discovered the Geofencing doesn't really work for multiple users, I've found another problem.
I have the radiator valve set to a Smart Schedule, ie at different times of the day it switches to different temperatures.
What I would want to do is set up an action to turn that valve OFF if I go out (and later, set up a group to control all the radiators that way, so we could turn them all OFF with one action, and then back ON when we were on our way home, for example if we go away for a day or two).
But if I just turn the valve OFF, then as soon as the next timeslot in the Smart Schedule arrives, it turns it back on and starts heating to the normal temperature.
If I go into the settings for the individual TRV, I can instead turn off the Smart Schedule, and then turn the radiator OFF and it will stay off. But there seems to be no way to turn off the smart schedule for a group of valves together, so every time we go out or away, I'd have to manually turn the smart schedule off for all 11 radiators in the house, and then use a single group action to turn them to OFF or a low temperature. And then when we come home, turn them back on with one click, but then re-enable the Smart Schedule for all 11 individually.
If there's a way to override the Smart Schedule for a whole bunch of devices together, I can't see it. But without that, the system is pretty much pointless, as it'll just never get turned off properly when we're away.
Have I missed something?
I need a way that with one (or two) action(s), I can turn a group of radiators OFF or to a low temperature AND disble the Smart Schedule for them all. And the same in reverse when I want them to come on and revert to their normal schedule.
Please help. I know this system is cheaper than most of its competitors, but honestly, there's no way we're going to buy more if it can't do this.