Tapo C325WB v1.0 vs v2.0 difference?

Tapo C325WB v1.0 vs v2.0 difference?

Tapo C325WB v1.0 vs v2.0 difference?
Tapo C325WB v1.0 vs v2.0 difference?
Model: Tapo C325WB  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

I have a bunch of C100 cameras and different versions have different features and even different functionality in the app (which is qutie annoying by the way).


A relative has asked me to install a total of 8 outdoor cameras on his property and I'm considering a different brand because Tapo cameras, despite being functional, are plagued by small issues (e.g. cannot set a different alert sound for each camera, cannot download recorded videos remotely, cannot specify the amount of footage to keep before motion is detected). We have purchased one C325WB from Amazon. During the set-up process, the Tapo app asked me to specify which hardware version I had, whether 1.0 or 2.0. I'm kind of annoyed I happen to have got a 1.0 and not the (presumably better) 2.0. I wouldn't mind having an older version if it was cheaper, and at the very least I expect to know what the difference is between these two versions.
