No continuos recording.
I don't get that TP-Link restricts C425 ( which I bought as a set of four) from the following;
- Continuos Recording
- RSTP Protocol
BUT on the Night Mode Settings there is a COLOR MODE and this runs the spotlight turned on CONTINUOUSLY until morning. Further info under says "Helps you see things vividly in full color at night with spotlights. This may consume more power.
Now my question is what TP-Link's logic is. They claim because it's a battery camera therfore NO continuoes recording, NO ONVIF, and NO RSTP Protocol because battery will be consumed quicker BUT there is an option that contradicts their reasons, Color mode spotlight on all night.
TP-Link just let the people who bought your device decide what they want to do with it.
Update the firmware with;
Continuous Recording with the same warning "This may consume more power."
RSTP Protocol.
If I have known these were not going to be available I wouldn't have pruchased it.
Another frustrating issue is the huge delay in recording and detection.
By the time the C425 detects and starts recording the subject is exiting the frame. Yes it happens to my four cameras.
I am very frustrated because it does not meet what it says it's supposed to do.