APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento - Risolto

APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento - Risolto

APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento - Risolto
APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento - Risolto
2025-01-17 11:23:57 - last edited 3 weeks ago
Model: Tapo C500  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version: 1.3.1

Tapo app on tablet does not reproduce alarm when detecting a movement


I use an Android tablet and the Tapo app to monitor home entrance. The video is always active. When the camera detects the movement, a 'bip' was issued. For a few days he has not emits him anymore.
I uninstalled and reinstated the app.
How can I solve? Is that a camera configuration problem?
Thank you


Uso un tablet android e l'app TAPO per monitorare l'ingresso di casa. Il video è sempre attivo. Quando la telecamera rileva il movimento veniva emesso un 'bip'. Da qualche giorno non lo emette più.
Ho disinstallato e reinstallato l'APP.
Come posso risolvere? E' un problema di configurazione della telecamera?

1 Accepted Solution
Re:APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento --Solution
2025-01-20 07:43:48 - last edited 3 weeks ago


If you can't receive notifications on your tablet, please refer to the instructions below to troubleshoot.
What to do if I can't receive notifications with the Tapo Cam or have a delayed notification

Please confirm the following information if the problem remains.
  1. A picture of the camera's Device Settings > Detection page.
  2. A picture of the camera's Device Settings > Notification page.
  3. On the Tapo app > Home tab > Bell icon > your camera page, can you receive a notification when the camera detects a motion?


Best Regards

Recommended Solution
9 Reply
Re:APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento --Solution
2025-01-20 07:43:48 - last edited 3 weeks ago


If you can't receive notifications on your tablet, please refer to the instructions below to troubleshoot.
What to do if I can't receive notifications with the Tapo Cam or have a delayed notification

Please confirm the following information if the problem remains.
  1. A picture of the camera's Device Settings > Detection page.
  2. A picture of the camera's Device Settings > Notification page.
  3. On the Tapo app > Home tab > Bell icon > your camera page, can you receive a notification when the camera detects a motion?


Best Regards

Recommended Solution
Re:APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento -
2025-01-20 08:18:12

  @Solla-topee risolto. Grazie

Re:APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento -
2025-01-21 07:21:45

  @Francesco58 Glad to hear your case is solved. 

Re:APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento -
2025-01-21 09:15:03


Solla-topee wrote

  @Francesco58 Glad to hear your case is solved. 

From Tablet

  • Me>Notification>Device>ON
  • Me>Notification>Management> ON telecamera1 e telecamera 2
  • Home>telecamera1>Device settings>Notification>ON
  • Home>telecamera2>Device settings>Notification>ON

Thanks for support

Re:APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento -
2025-01-22 12:45:33


Please provide the following information if the notification issue remains.
    1. On the camera's Device Settings > Detection page, please let me know what detection types are enabled. Is the detection zone full-screen for each detection type?
    2. On the camera's Device Settings > Notification page, what Activity Type have you selected? Is the Schedule set to Always?
    3. On the Tapo app > Home tab > Bell icon > your camera page, can you receive a notification when the camera detects a motion?
Best Regards

Re:APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento -
2025-01-23 13:44:48

Solla-topee wrote


Please provide the following information if the notification issue remains.
    1. On the camera's Device Settings > Detection page, please let me know what detection types are enabled. Is the detection zone full-screen for each detection type?

Moviment an People; Full-screen for each detection type
    2. On the camera's Device Settings > Notification page, what Activity Type have you selected? Is the Schedule set to Always?

The first; Yes
    3. On the Tapo app > Home tab > Bell icon > your camera page, can you receive a notification when the camera detects a motion?

Yes; On  Me>Notification>Devise set ON and select cameras
Best Regards


Re:APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento -
2025-01-24 08:14:59


I know that on the Tapo app > Me>Notification page, you have enabled the notification option for your cameras. However, I want to double-confirm if you have received notifications on the Tapo app > Home tab > Bell icon > your camera page when the camera detects events.
If so, it means the camera's Detection and Notifications settings are correct.


Then, you can refer to the instructions below to check the settings on your phone if it can't receive the notifications.
Why can’t I receive notifications after turning on Notifications?

Best Regards

Re:APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento -
2025-01-27 16:10:33
Thanks Solla-topee, My camera's Detection and Notifications settings are correct and I see all notifications. Can I delete old notifications? How too? Thanks
Re:APP TAPO su Tablet non riproduce allarme quando rileva un movimento -
2025-02-06 12:23:36


On the Tapo app > Home tab > Bell icon > your camera page, if you want to delete the received notifications, please tap the Edit icon at the top right corner, select the notifications you want to delete, then tap Delete on the bottom of this page to delete them.
Best Regards
