Motion tracking position reset after movement stops?

Motion tracking position reset after movement stops?

Motion tracking position reset after movement stops?
Motion tracking position reset after movement stops?
22 hours ago
Model: Tapo C210  
Hardware Version: V2
Firmware Version: 1.4.3

Hi, I bought a Tapo C210 camera to look over our indoor pet rabbit in its playpen when we are not around. The camera is attached to the wall of the playpen, so it can't see the whole place from a single position so motion tracking is very useful when the rabbit wants to move out of the current picture.


However I have a problem with it. It seems like when the rabbit moves, the motion tracking picks it up and follows the bunny. However if the rabbit stops to have a nap for example (so no movement for some time) the camera resets to its starting position and loses track of the bunny.


Is it expected behavior? If so, is there a way to keep the camera in the last position?
