H100 hub losing network connection
H100 hub losing network connection
I have been finding that my sensors haven't been working all the time recently and I've been able to narrow down the issue to my H100 hub. What I've discovered is that the hub is constantly losing network connection for a few seconds then coming back online and then going down again. I determined that this is the case by pinging the hub's IP address from my computer and my router. So I thought, no problem, I'll just firmware upgrade the device and hope that this issue stops. However, the connection is dropping out so regularly that the firmware update cannot complete.
So next I decided to buy another H100 to see if the same issue happens with another identical device. Turns out it does also happen with a brand new device. However on this second device, I was able to perform a firmware update to v1.5.5 Build 240105 (HW v1.0) but found that the
device is still dropping pings constantly as regularly as the first device (see belowe screenshot).
Now I know you might be thinking, it must be an issue with my network or my router. I certainly did too. However, after thorough testing, I have confirmed that this issue is not present with any other Tapo device, TP-Link device or other wireless device. I have also checked over my router and turned off Band Steering and 5 Ghz etc. but to no avail.
Has anyone else faced a similar issue recently?
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Wayne-TP wrote
Do you use any other third-party software/services to manage Tapo devices? For example, the Home Assistant?
Tapo H100 supports local support on the latest firmware version. Please check how many of your automation rules are adapted to the Local Smart, which can be run locally without Internet access. The local smart entries will be marked with a Kasa or Tapo logo.
Hello. I'm using the Tapo app.
I don't have automations yet. Connectivity is lost and recovered each 10 seconds aprox. It's not only visible in the hub led (blue and orange), but it's noticeable when you try to ring or update settings.
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To assist with this case, a specialist will contact you through email, please check your inbox later for follow-up.
@adamdsm A support ticket has been sent to your email that linked with your TP-Link community account, you may check the inbox for follow-up. If you use a different email address, you may send me the new address via private address.
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My hub appears to have started working correctly after the firmware updated successfuly to
1.5.5 Build 240105 Rel.192438.
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@Gary3 That's good to hear, can you advise how you were able to get the firmware transferred to the hub? It won't hold a stable connection long enough for me to download via the Tapo app!
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@adamdsm at post #3 I was asked for the Mac address of the hub so I believe there may have been a targeted firmware fix sent to it. Maybe it was a smaller size which enabled update between network disconnections? It had been turned off for over 2 days before I tried it.
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@Rlh1994 what's interesting, based on pinging the hubs IP address, it seems to stay connected for about 30 seconds every time, disconnect for 30 (but stay blue solid light), then spend another 8 or so seconds with an orange light before reconnecting. This seems to be very consistent
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Issue solved. Support team contacted me and a new firmware has been released. 1.5.6 Build 240202 Rel.164142 installed and the hub is working without losing the connection.
many thanks to the tp-link team.
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