
grant/deny permissions for a shared device


grant/deny permissions for a shared device

91 Reply
RE:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
2024-10-31 14:04:43
Yes, this must be prioritized. Other manufactures have this in theis apps and it is a big frustration not to be able to add permissions to other users.
RE:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
2024-11-07 05:38:47
Make it so people can grant permission to turn privacy mode on and off
RE:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
2024-11-12 08:05:46
We need something like a permission dashboard with options. For example, I could allow user1 to talk using the camera, while user2 can only view. It would also be fantastic to have options to grant specific access, such as the ability to change camera settings, enable/disable privacy mode, and view cloud and local recordings. I prefer not to use shared accounts.
RE:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
2024-11-15 08:39:07
RE:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
2024-11-19 21:01:04
Agreed this needs to be added to all tapo cameras
RE:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
2024-11-21 07:23:46
As the administrator I would like to be able to grant permissions for shared devices.
Re:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
2024-11-23 22:21:37

Struggling to understand why this still hasn't been prioritised. This is a vital flaw to what is a considerably good device. Any update?  @Solla-topee 

Re:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
2024-11-23 22:51:02



Any update on this request? I'm pretty sure this feature will benefit a lot of users who want to segregate permissions across different users, instead of a all permissions granted kind of type. 

RE:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
2024-11-24 19:12:31
2 or more adults should have same Permission
RE:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
2024-11-29 18:26:07
Family members should be able to control privacy mode and other features.