VotesTapo C420S2 RTSP Stream for ioBroker usage [Feature request]
Support ONVIF and/or RTSP protocols on C420 S or via the Hub 200.
Please vote on the main thread.
This repeated request has been merged into the main thread
Tapo C420S2 RTSP Stream for ioBroker usage [Feature request]
How can I get the RTSP Stream from the C420 cams to use it in my ioBroker configuration for Homekit?
I found this site... https://www.tp-link.com/de/support/faq/2680/
...but it seems the camera itself doesn't have an IP, only the H200 hub.
So how can I get it to work?
Update: I found out, RTSP is NOT implemented in battery-powered cameras like the C420S2 so far.
I would kindly ask for a request to get this as optional feature.
Kind regards
Deco X20 v2 1.2.3-20230906 Build 41655
Active IoT network