REQUEST: Schedule a repeating action every hour
I would like to have something turn on every hour for 15 minutes. The app only allows 31 entries per device and since you need 2 entries for every on-off cycle it is necessary to have 48 entries to have a device cycle 1x every hour. Apparently, this was a request that was made in 2018. 5 YEARS AGO (Request here)!!!!
How difficult must it be to code the following?
1. Select a start time
2. Select the length of time the outlet is powered
3. Select the interval (two dropdowns: one with numbers another with hours, days, weeks, months, years)
4. Save.
At least increase the number of slots available to program individual on-off commands for each plug to 48. Who decided that 31 would be a good number? Did no one think that people may want something to turn on once an hour for an entire day? Come on.