Thank you for creating a feature request and sharing the idea with us. Kasa app has some features which I found may help to manage your devices, you could set a Group for multiple devices and turn them ON/OFF, or set a Scene for devices in a room and press the Scene to perform an action, this would be easier to Turn /Off devices in a Room.
Group:How to use the Grouping feature in Kasa app
Set up Scene: How to use Scenes function in Kasa app?
Schedule a Scene: How to use the Schedule A Scene feature in Kasa app?
Grouping Kasa devices by Room looks particularly useful when you have multiple kasa devices to be managed.
If anyone else also like this idea, feel free to thumb up and comment for these features, and share the user case like how do you wish to use this feature would help us understand your request better and gather them for evaluation. Thank you.