Daylight Savings Timezone for Tapo C100 + other Smart Cameras North America
The C100 cameras I have do not adjust to daylight savings time. And there is not an option to choose a timezone that has the proper daylight savings for Alberta Canada. UTC -07:00 Mountain Daylight Time. or Mountain Standard Time. There should be an option to set a UTC timezone, and have it "sync" with daylight savings. Currently UTC-7 Phoenix and UTC-7 Denver do not participate in daylight savings, so choosing those will have wrong time half the year. UTC-7 chihuahua has daylight savings but it is set to a different date, which is not as bad, only wrong time for 2 months of the year. There are no other UTC -7 locations.
I cannot even manually choose some UTC-6 time zones to fix this twice a year as they DO participate in daylight savings, so the time goes off by 2 hours, and then it is off by 1 hour in my local time. I have to choose the Tegucigalpa or Saskatchewan ones, becuase Chicago and Mexico City both use daylight savings for UTC-6.
But to avoid having to have every single city/state/province as each city state or province has their own rules for daylight savings, it would be nice to have a feature to just set daylight savings mode on or off, and be able to set the dates it changes. (second Sunday of March, and first Sunday of November)