Unable to connect to ISP some times.
Some times on a restart of the router I am unable to connect to ISP(ACT). I Tried with PPPoE(entered the correct usr name and passwd) & Dynamic IP methods.
When I checked the system log it shows the following msg in the case of the PPPoE
WAN1: PPPoE sending PADI timeout.
and in the case of dynamic IP the below msg is continually printed.
DHCP Server allocated IP address for the client[MAC: c0:06:c3:16:30:e2].
Current Manual Solution:
Pull out the wan cable from the router and connect it to a laptop directly, here it is able to connect and lets you authenticate (so I enter the usr name and passwd) and I put back this cable to router and now it connects with out any issue, this is how I am coming out of this problem and use my setup. This problem may again show up in the next restart of the router.
Looks like there is some issue in authentication of the load balance router. Can you pls suggest a way out of this hassle?