
A public mode in addition to the current privacy mode


A public mode in addition to the current privacy mode

A public mode in addition to the current privacy mode
A public mode in addition to the current privacy mode
Model: Tapo D230S1  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version: 1.1.19

I would like to request the addition of a public mode, for when the camera is pointed not somewhere private but rather somewhere public and there needs to be some restrictions on the camera's activation. Note activation, not recording.


In europe, the privacy laws of GDPR set certain requirements for recording and filming public spaces.

I'm sure different countries have different interpretations and implementations of GDPR for this but in my country there are requirements made specifically for doorbell cameras pointed toward public spaces, such as the hallway outside your apartment.


There are three main points:
1. The camera may not record anything.
This is fine, recordings can be turned off.
2. You can't point it toward any other apartment, basically limiting what you can see with it to what you're intending to see with it.
This is taken care of with privacy zones, great.
3. The camera should only activate when someone rings the doorbell, and it should only remain active for a brief period of time, about 30 seconds.
After a brief interaction in the help section, this third point can not be upheld by any current features.
There is already the privacy mode which disables the camera, even when you go to the camera in the app, but this also turns off other features like push notifications and calls.
My request is a public mode in where the camera is deactivated by default and does NOT activate when you go into the camera in the app, just like with privacy mode, but then activates for a brief period of time (the longest permitted here is 30 seconds) when someone rings the doorbell.
So, if I open the doorbell in the app, I see nothing through the camera but if someone were to ring the doorbell, the camera activates for 30 seconds so that I can see who's at the door in real time without recording anything (as per point number 1 above).
That way, when someone rings the doorbell, I get a push notification and when I open the app, I can see who's there. If I don't open the app fast enough, I miss my shot and they would have to ring the doorbell again to activate the camera for another 30 seconds.
I hope I explained that well enough.
5 Reply
RE:A public mode in addition to the current privacy mode
This is a necessity to comply with GDPR.
Re:A public mode in addition to the current privacy mode



Which country are you located in?

Landscape Mode - Tapo App for PadShare Your Pet Story. Win Free Tapo Care!Smart Action 2.0 Explore and meet the next level home automation.
Re:A public mode in addition to the current privacy mode



The nordics, I based this on the answers and recommendations from the data protection authorities in both Norway and Sweden regarding these doorbell cameras, and it likely is the same in denmark and finland as well, though I haven't checked their websites.

Re:A public mode in addition to the current privacy mode



Can you send the address of the websites here? Also, point out where the relevant information is mentioned. We will help to submit the feedback to our relevant department.

Landscape Mode - Tapo App for PadShare Your Pet Story. Win Free Tapo Care!Smart Action 2.0 Explore and meet the next level home automation.
Re:A public mode in addition to the current privacy mode




They are in Swedish and Norwegian respectively, of course, but I'll provide links and point to the relevant sections with some simple translations.


For Sweden:



This is a page discussing camera surveillance for private use in general, further down is an example which specificially discusses doorbell-/peephole cameras with the headline "Kamerabevakning med dörrkamera/titthålskamera i lägenhetshus"", which means: Camera surveillance with doorbell-/peephole camera in apartment buildings.

It says that if the camera is pointed toward public spaces and might film people unrelated to the purpose of the camera then the general private exceptions do not apply.

A camera set up only within your own property is exempt but if your doorbell camera is pointed out to an apartment hallway where neighbors and other will be caught on camera simply for walking by, GDPR applies and the owner of the camera is responsible for complying with the privacy laws.

They provide three key rules:

  • kameran aktiveras endast när någon ringer på och är endast aktiv under en mycket begränsad tid
  • bild och ljud spelas inte in
  • upptagningsområdet är mycket begränsat.


These are the same points I mentioned in the original post:

The camera is only activated when someone rings the doorbell and is only active for a very limited amount of time.

Video and audio are not recorded.

The area caught by the camera is very limited.


For Norway:



Just as the Swedish site, this discusses camera surveillance in general but has a section with the headline, Porttelefon, which is a doorbell camera.


Datatilsynet har tidligere godtatt systemer der et kamera er tilknyttet ringesystemet forutsatt at kameraet kun blir aktivert når det ringer på hos den enkelte beboeren. Det er også viktig at kameraet bare fanger opp området rett foran døren, og ikke mer enn det som er nødvendig for å se hvem som ringer på.


They say mostly the same thing, only more concisely written.

The data protection authority has previously approved doorbell cameras on the condition that the camera is only activated when someone rings the doorbell. It's also important that the camera only picks up the area directly in front of the door, not more than is necessary to see who rang the doorbell.
