VotesSmart Switch Delayed-On after outage
Smart Switch Delayed-On after outage
I am requesting/hoping that the TP-Link smart switches can be firmware-modified to provide delayed return-to-on after a power outage. This would allow the grid to stablize before sensitive electronics are exposed to power. It is also similar to how many available protection devices work. For wall-switched devices, this is the only option to provide protection, aside from at the breaker box.
- More than a dozen Mika Aire F786 DC fans with RF receivers (speed 0 thru 6 and reverse)
- Bond Bridge used for automation (Wifi to RF bridge)
- We have a grid that gets interrupted a lot
- Fuse panels are QO Square D.
- The building has Siemens FS140 whole-house surge protection, but this type of protection is not aimed at sensitive electronic devices
- All pluged-in electronics are behind UPS devices and we've had no devices become damaged (except fans)
- 2/3 of our fan receivers have had to be replaced due to these power fluctuations
- All fans are now behind HS200 smart switches, so the receivers are protected when they are off, but NOT when they are on