CPE210 performing very poorly
I bought two CPE210's and just got them set up, they are both about 600 feet apart. There is a direct line of sight between both of them. They are set up in AP and Client mode, respectively. My main source of internet is starlink and the starlink router usually averages around 30 mbps. The CPE210's have been set up perfectly, as far as I know, and I'm only getting about 5mbps, which really sucks since these are rated for 300mbps. I am not in an overcrowded area by any means, there may be 1-2 other routers in the area, at the MOST. I used a laser for precise alignment, and they are pointing almost directly at each other. I fiddled with the settings some, changed it to only work on 802.11n and 20MHZ (is it MHZ?) instead of the factory 20-40 setting, and MAXtream is off, but I'm still only getting 5mbps. Is there any way to make this better, or would I be better off getting the 5GHZ CPE's?