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Forums/ Routers
By MrTom Friday

How can I create a "kill switch" when the ER605 is not connected to the OpenVPN server?

I successfully created an OpenVPN tunnel through my paid PIA VPN service. But when I disable the VPN Client manually, traffic routes back through my main network. My configuration is very vanilla. I r
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By MrTom 2024-08-29 16:21:16

Text Message Friendly Alert Emails Option

Hi. I have my Notification Alert Emails sending to my cell phone number carrier's email address, MYCELLNUMBER @ Carrier_URL. It's so I get almost instant alerts as a text message to my cell phone. Whi
Forums/ Controllers
By MrTom 2024-08-13 23:21:05

[Failed]The controller failed to mail global logs to <email address> automatically

Controller Version Firmware Version 2.16.3 Build 20240620 Rel.81038 I just thought I'd try out the cool feature to email myself logs when issues occur. I programmed everything correctly, an
Forums/ Routers
By MrTom 2023-11-08 20:59:45

Successful WireGuard tunnel works, but not one way when computer uses 2nd IP

I've been battling a VPN connection for a week now. Tried to get some help from this reddit thread. I have a WireGuard tunnel that can work both ways with DHCP or Static IPs on the same subnet. But I'
Forums/ Routers
By MrTom 2023-10-25 16:08:26

Help creating site-to-site using WireGuard with an ER605 to Archer AX55, or two ER605s

I have an Archer AX55 v1.0-AX3000 (latest firmware) at the main office, behind another router using NAT. I've enabled the VPN server using WireGuard. I've forwarded the correct port to the Archer. Ins