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Forums/ Controllers
By system101 2024-12-28 13:37:19

Application Controll

How to limit bandwidth for applications, I want to prioritize gaming, then work apps, the least priority is p2p and sharehosting. I'm using er605
Forums/ Controllers
By system101 2024-12-18 14:56:35

Voucher Expiration after Activation

Is there a way to setup a voucher expiration days after it was activated. For expample voucher is set to expire 7 or 5 days after it is being activated.
Forums/ Controllers
By system101 2024-11-30 09:40:08

Exporting Voucher Codes No longer Includes Used Voucher

anyone know how to export voucher codes including that were already used. I'm trying to export voucher codes from Global View>Settings>Export Data or from Hotspot Management, both are only exporting u