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Forums/ Controllers
By GNOC 2024-11-21 07:11:26

Omada controller hotspot login success page customization

Hi, We have successfully installed the Omada Controller for our network, and we are working on customizing the login success page for our hotspot users. Currently, the default success page is displaye
Forums/ Routers
By UlyssesSteven 2024-12-03 17:04:12

Integrating Mikrotik Hex gr3 on omada System

I am planning to put mikrotik hex before ER 605( between ISP and ER 605) . . Should I disable NAT and DHCP server on mikrotik hex to avoid conflict? i will be using the hex for anti torrent downloads
Forums/ Controllers
By UlyssesSteven 2024-11-30 19:46:22

DPI Block and Allowed Apps

Caption Enabling DPI it shows block and allowed apps but I did not block those on the application list does DPI have preconfigured list to block?