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Forums/ WiFi
By leciak 2024-11-04 23:32:52

EAP610 -> no IP assigned over 2.4g SSID1 network, while everything works fine on 5g SSID2 network

Team, I'm reaching out with a strange behavior which I noticed on my stand-alone EAP 610. I have 2 different wireless networks configured: SSID1 for 2.4g network and SSID2 for 5g network (from what I
Forums/ WiFi
By b10up 2023-02-19 19:04:52

No DHCP over EAP610

Hi, I just switched from Capsman system to Omada access points. This is basically the same like this: https://community.tp-link.com/en/business/forum/topic/150511?sortDir=ASC&page=1 My setup is: Mikro