2024-12-13 10:02:56
EE7212PC / EAP 650 / Vlan tagging / Wifi / DHCP route problem
E7212PC Connected to an EAP 650 offering a few SSIDs via vlan tagging. DHCP server configured for each VLAN. SSID named trusted is for trusted devices, SSID named untrusted is for untrusted devices (I
2024-11-29 14:25:04
ER7212PC - Specify Internet expected rate?
Hi, When i first got my ER7212PC I had it connected to a cable internet connection and specified the incoming expected rate accordingly (I was prompted to do so). I've now switched to a different ISP
2024-10-25 11:44:51
default network over ruling?
I am doing something silly here. Trying to replace pfsense with er7212. Configured new network for port 10. Has a DHCP range assigned (different to default). Port is enabled. Client set for DHCP. Gett