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Forums/ Controllers
By ZoloNN a week ago

Change base URL of software controller

hi all, just a quick question: is it possible to chage base URL of the controller to be able to listen for example on "https://hostname/osc/" ?
Forums/ WiFi
By ZoloNN 2 weeks ago

WLAN goes down when Controller is shut down

hi all, just realised - when I shut down the windows software controller, the whole WLAN is not available anymore till the controller isn't started again. observed while upgrading the controller from
Forums/ Routers
By Clive_A 2024-09-24 08:13:14

MIB Tree for Omada Router

Background: You may find this MIB tree helpful in understanding what SNMP walks mean in your monitoring. This Article Applies to: All TP-Link(Omada) models MIB Tree: Omada routers are based on the ISO
Forums/ Routers
By ZoloNN 3 weeks ago

DHCP client list doesn't really exist - in controller nor in router via SNMP

Hi all, The ER605 router acts as the only DHCP server on network. Software controller ( is running all the time. I've observed following: the Clients list on Controller doesn't contain all c
Forums/ Routers
By Fae 2021-03-04 02:14:44

Get the Latest Firmware Releases for Omada Routers Here - Subscribe for Updates

Latest Firmware Release > Early Access < ER8411 V1 1.2.3 Build 20241121 Pre-Release Firmware (Released on Dec 9th, 2024) ER707-M2 V1 1.2.4 Build 20241030 Pre-Release Firmware (Released on Nov 26th, 20
Forums/ Routers
By ZoloNN 2024-10-15 13:58:44

ER605 DHCP lease list

hallo all, am I blind, or there is no possibility to see the list of DHCP leases?