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Forums/ Switches
By AVAM_NO 2023-08-09 09:03:36

Password Issue

Hi, I changed the password of the admin account and saved it. After this, I logged out and logged in again to make sure that I can log in with the new password to the admin account. It worked successf
Forums/ Switches
By AVAM_NO 2023-07-31 07:01:01

Bandwidth utilization

Hi, Is there a way to get the current Bandwidth utilization of RX/TX of a selected port using the CLI or some other way(similarly to what I see in system summary-> port status at the Web GUI interface
Forums/ Switches
By AVAM_NO 2023-07-24 13:16:24

Monitoring Communication Parameters

Hi, I would like to monitor the speed/bandwidth/throughput of an ethernet connection using Web Interface Access. Where can I watch the above? Thanks in advance.
Forums/ Switches
By AVAM_NO 2023-07-23 15:40:43


Hi, How can I get the current bandwidth/speed of the TL-SX3008F using the CLI? I would like to read the bandwidth/speed value using a command, so I can update the current bandwidth/speed value in an a