2023-07-16 00:12:38
Changing management https port on oc200
Is there any reason that I shouldn't change the management http and https ports on my OC200 to match those that are used on the software controller? I know how to do it, I'm just wondering if changing
Requests & Suggestions
2022-04-02 23:09:06
Add local DNS server to ER605
Please add a local DNS server, like dnsmasq, to the ER605. It's a bug for a business router that's running DHCP to not be able to resolve local host names.
Requests & Suggestions
2022-09-05 20:15:52
Feature request: DNS resolution for local clients
The intention of this thread is to understand whether local DNS resolution is on the roadmap, and if not, to define a suggestion for such a feature and gather inputs from other users in hope to get it
2022-10-17 16:13:15
Info oc200 dhcp server and other
Hi everyone, I wanted to ask some information about the OMADA OC200. I noticed that by activating the ssh service in the software options, the connections you try to make are rejected outright and the
2022-10-08 21:48:07
Port forwarding strangeness. Some ports forward correctly and some do not
I've set up a small Omada network for testing and I've seen something strange with the port forwarding. If I forward all ports via the dmz function it works as expected and ALL ports that I've checked