Requests & Suggestions
2022-12-23 17:51:13
ER8411 requires mDNS
Hi, Are there any plans to have mDNS on the latest ER8411 router? It's a shame that you released a brand new product and forgot to add the latest features you already have on lower grade models...
2022-12-24 22:57:10
ER605 v2 vs others?
Hi, So I've seen this firewall/router, and I was wondering how good it is? I have a Fortinet 60e at home currently, and it'd be kinda cool to go fully TY Link. Can it support multiple VLANs, DHCP? Can
Requests & Suggestions
2022-12-08 01:26:26
Wake On Lan
Ideally - possible to have a list of "offline" clients, click their MAC address that was last seen and send a WOL packet? Would be very handy!!
2022-12-01 08:36:50
Where is FW 2.0.0 Build 20220907 Rel.77023 for ER605?
According to this post this unit supports Wireguard - Where is the firware referenced in the post, I can't find it. Please
Requests & Suggestions
2022-11-28 21:16:50
Internet connectivity test / speed test
I have several sites using different internet connection methods and until recently I was using the periodic speed tests as a very basic way of testing internet connectivity and the connection quality
Requests & Suggestions
2022-11-27 16:17:43
EasyMesh on ER605 and Omada devices
EasyMesh Function for ER605 and similar Omada devices so different vendor's access points can be Meshed. Thank you