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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By Wuffi84 2021-12-25 13:46:10

Telefon Analog via TAE an Archer VR2100v zum laufen bringen !

Hallo Tp-Link Team, habe seit ich den VR2100v habe immer wieder Verbindungsabbrüchen mit meinen Gigaset C430H. Bisher war das Telefon immer Analog an einer Fritzbox angeschlossen. Aber seit ich den Ac
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By Wuffi84 2021-11-10 18:10:38

Switch DNS in the Router to Quad9, but how ?

Hello TP Link Com. How can I change the Main: DNS and BackubDNS: for example to Quad9 DNS on my VR2100v router? I would have to specify and in the router, but where do I do tha
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By Wuffi84 2021-11-05 17:02:10

VR2100v sometimes Full Ubloadspeed sometimes not !

Hello folks, I have a question about my connection speed with my VR2100v modem. But I have only 30000k Ubload and after a new town of the router I have full power again. So the maximum that my provide
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Wuffi84 2021-10-24 19:58:57

2 x RE500 in the same ONE Mesh network possible ??

Is it possible to operate the RE500 twice in the ONE Mesh on a VR2100v ModemRouter, will it then be OneMesh or can only 1 extender be integrated into the OneMesh? Mfg Wuffi
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Wuffi84 2021-10-23 08:05:17

2 x RE500 im selben ONE Mesh Netzwerk möglich ??

Ist es möglich 2 mal den RE500 im ONE Mesh an einen VR2100v ModemRouter zu betreiben, wird dann OneMesh draus oder geht nur 1 Extender ins OneMesh einbinden ? Mfg Wuffi