2022-09-13 00:14:01
ER605 site-to-site VPN
Hello! Can the site-to-site VPN in the ER605 take Dynamic host names? I have DDNS on both sites A and B. Thanks. Also, will IPSec VPN takes too much bandwidth on both sites? Thanks again.
2022-09-12 23:34:51
ER605 System Log: [osg:E8-48-B8-xx-xx-xx] detected Large Ping attack and dropped 60 packets.
Hello. I'm bothered by the entries in my System log so I searched for MAC address lookup for the company responsible for E8-48-B8 MAC. It turns out that it is TP-Link! Is TP-Link trying to attack my E
2022-09-05 13:47:54
ER605 ping from WAN
Hello. I have a watchdog in site B to ping site A. It's working great and it alerts me if the Internet connection at site A is down. However, after I replaced the firewall in site A with ER605, my wat
2021-09-05 00:42:03
DOS Attacks from ER605 to Wireless router
Hello. I just looked at the log in my wireless router and it is showing DOS attack from the ER605! How do I stop the ER605 from sending this to my wireless router? Thanks in advance. =============== F
2021-09-02 00:16:44
ER605 System Log - is there a detailed one?
I have implemented this firewall/router and I am having problem with some outgoing and incoming connections especially when port forwarding is involved. I have four cameras in my son's house that I co
2021-08-30 02:55:32
Port Forwarding Rules in NAT=>Vlirtual Servers
Hello! I have 5 Port Forwarding rules in NAT+>Virtual Servers. Do I have to create Firewall Access Control rules for them? Or are these port forwarding rules bypass the access rules? Thanks in advance