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Forums/ Routers
By FernandoFA 2024-10-31 13:34:10

Firmware Update Request for Enhanced IPv6 Support with Multiple ISPs and Load Balancing on the ER605

Dear TP-Link Support Team, I am using the ER605 V2 router, managed through the Omada OC200, in a business environment with three ISPs, utilizing the load balancing feature. However, I am facing a sign
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By FernandoFA 2023-04-08 22:56:15

Configurar ipv6 roteador archer ax 6000 V1

Configurar ipv6 em um roteador da Brisanet, pppoE deles ainda não libera ipv6. Tenho ipv6 saindo do roteador da Brisanet, já configurei o ipv6 mo setup do ax6000 mais não obtive êxito