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Forums/ Deco
By Nick105 3 weeks ago

Opening Wifi-calling ports (500 & 4500) for multiple devices

I finally got wifi-calling working on my phone by forwarding ports 500 & 4500, however, the app will not allow me to open these ports for other family members' phones. The error message that I receive
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
By Nick105 3 weeks ago

When will Wireguard be available on Deco X68?

As per the title, when will Wireguard be available on Deco X68?
Forums/ Deco
By Nick105 2023-10-22 10:33:10

Deco M9 Plus: failed firmware update appears to have bricked my deco

Hi, Hoping someone may have an idea on how to fix my Deco M9 Plus which seems to have had a problem updating to new firmware: 1.6.2 Build 20230906 Rel. 78043 The main deco (an M9 Plus) has accepted th